Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The BBC's Countryfile and John Craven visit Grange Farm

John Craven and the Countryfile team visited Grange Farm last week to film Gareth Barlow meeting his 'farming hero' our very own Tim Wilson!

Gareth, who doesn't come from a farming background, has started his chosen career with a few sheep and uses Tim as his role model.
Meet him on Countryfile, BBC 1 on Sunday 18 April.

The Orchard

We continue to restore the dry-stone walls around the farm at Levisham.

The latest work has been encircling the young orchard of gages, damsons and plums through which we will run some of our chickens.

Marcus Cordingley, a local bee-keeper, will also place some hives amongst the trees.

Thus this relatively small piece of ground will be sustaining three types of agriculture - fruit, eggs and honey.